This 1 thing added 6-figures to my business in 2 months

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This 1 thing added 6-figures to my business

Back at the end of May, I decided to diversify my business by adding a consulting side focused on demand generation.

I wanted to:

  • add a new revenue stream

  • de-risk my cash-flow by stabilizing my income

  • deal with rising fixed costs within the Agency

Consulting vs. Content Creation

Running a service-based business like content creation is often hectic and unpredictable.

The feast-or-famine cycles can be stressful.

By introducing consulting services, I’ve created a more balanced workload and a steadier income stream.

Consulting allows me to leverage my expertise in a different way, providing value directly to clients and ensuring consistent revenue.

What This Means for B2B

In the B2B space, it’s crucial not to put all your eggs in one basket.

Offering a “done with you” service is often underestimated….

It’s a great way to provide value while still involving the client in the process. This approach has helped me create a revenue ascension model that includes high-ticket, mid-ticket, and low-ticket offerings.

Leveraging the Revenue Ascension Model

The revenue ascension model is a structured sales process designed to guide clients through different levels of service.

Here’s a snapshot of what that looks like:

  • High-Ticket: Full service packages that deliver comprehensive solutions.

  • Mid-Ticket: Specific services or projects that address particular needs and consulting

  • Low-Ticket: Group coaching sessions or workshops.

This model has added another 6 figures to my business and provided a reliable buffer against the ups and downs of over relying on one single revenue stream.

Coaching as a Downsell Option

When clients can’t commit to high-ticket services, coaching becomes a perfect downsell. It allows me to monetize the accessible market and ensure that no potential client is left behind. This approach has derisked my cash flow significantly.

Implementing the Model for B2B:

For those in the B2B space, implementing a similar model can create a crucial buffer or safety net. It’s about understanding your market and offering tiered services that meet various client needs.

Launching New Products Using A Shadow Funnel Strategy

The coolest part about all this I didn’t change anything about how I sold my services and the way I promoted them online.

Instead I leveraged incredibly useful tactics… The Shadow Funnel.

The shadow funnel strategy involves creating an offering and testing it with a select group before rolling it out broadly. In essence, it was as simple as suggesting the new offer to a select bunch of prospects already in the sales process so they didn’t slip through the cracks.

This method ensures that only proven services are scaled up, reducing the risk of failure.

The bottom line:

I’ve not only diversified my income but also created a more resilient and scalable model.

If you’re running a service-based business, consider adding consulting to your offerings. It could be the key to stabilizing your income and boosting long-term success.

That’s a wrap.


Psst… I have an opportunity you can't afford to miss. 

I'm offering you the exact system, that you can steal and install into your own business, that propelled my agency to a $600k ARR and amassed 60,000 followers in under two years.

Over the next 12 weeks, we will the Content to Clients System™ to generate a minimum of £2,000 in 90 days from LinkedIn and give you a system to predictably create new clients on autopilot.

This is for experts running service-based businesses who already have a proven offer making them $$$ and just simply don’t have enough high quality leads that they can ACTUALLY close. 

Our goal is to turn your LinkedIn profile into a client acquisition machine. 

To build you a complete system on LinkedIn that can predictably sign you clients month after month. Say goodbye to uncertainty with scaling. And hello to predictable revenue.

This has the potential to completely transform the trajectory of your service based business. 

From worrying about “where's my next client coming from” to knowing confidently each month how many deals you will have and ultimately reach predictability with your growth.

It doesn’t matter if you…

Don’t have 1000s of followers. 

Have no writing experience. 

Or sales skills. 

This program will work for you (i’m guaranteeing it).

Here’s the plan:

Over the Next 90 Days, We'll Install My Atticus AI Endless Content Machine, Content-led Oubound System™ and the Client Closing Motion™. 
So you can generate a minimum £2,000 from LinkedIn and install a repeatable system to rinse and repeat.
This isn't fluff or theory—it's a concrete, battle-tested blueprint for success that we have implemented for 30+ service providers in the last 12 months accounting for over $1.6 million in attributable revenue from Linkedin and over $80,000,000 of pipeline for service providers like you…...
And here's the kicker: If you don't see results (and you can show me you have acted consistently on my advice), we will support you for free until you do.
This program launch will be limited and capped out to 10 slots.
Want to be put on the exclusive waiting list to be eligible when it drops?
STEP 1. Message me, “I’m In!”
STEP 2. We’ll book our Content to Clients Clarity Call.
STEP 3. I will then determine if you are a good fit for this program & invite you to join if it makes sense.
Big love,
Luke (Rev Ascension) Shalom

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