2 weeks of viral content in under one hour?

99% of people are stuck using ChatGPT in beginner mode...

Read time: 3.5 mins

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Hey Friend! Welcome back to Grow Solo Saturday.

I must apologize for the lack of newsletter last week. I have just a started new role... It has been HECTIC!

This week I will show you how I use ChatGPT to create 2 weeks of post ideas for my ghostwriting clients in less than one hour.

Say goodbye to looking at that empty post box, pulling your hair out wondering what to write.

My framework will help you to:

  • Save countless hours on post research

  • Provide access to an unlimited number of viral post ideas

  • Increase your post-writing speed by 1.5x

Unfortunately, 99% of people are stuck using ChatGPT in beginner mode...

Desperately plugging in the prompts touted by Linkfluencers...becoming increasingly frustrated with shitty results. With no proper means of creating high-quality content using AI.

Current AI lacks the human touch. Copy created from the tool feels wooden and robotic...

But that's not all... ChatGPT presents a whole set of new challenges for the tech-curious creator:

  • You don't know how to use ChatGPT properly.

  • You are unsure of how to ask the AI the right questions to unlock its power.

  • And even if you input the right prompts, the output is unusable .

Fear not, today is the day you join the creator 1%.

By the end of this newsletter you will be able to use ChatGPT to craft more novel post ideas faster and more efficiently than you ever thought was possible...

These techniques have accounted for 1M+ of my post views this last month alone...

AI wrote this using the following framework..

Here’s exactly how I use ChatGPT to create a viral post in under 5 mins for a client (12 posts in 60 mins = 2 weeks of content):

1. I will start with a keyword. One of my clients loves cold showers and is interested in sharing the benefits with his audience.

Rather than sit there and struggle to brainstorm ideas… I jump into ChatGPT and hit with the following commands:

“Act like an entrepreneur interested in high performance, create 10 viral post hook ideas around cold showers for high performance, prioritize novel uncommon ideas”

I slam enter and let the machine do its thing…

It churns out some ideas:

2. Live on the call I select a Hook that packs the biggest punch.

Let's go with this one...

"Unlock the secret of peak performance: the power of a cold shower"

My decision-making framework to pick the Hook looks like this:

- Is this polarizing or intriguing? (Uses the word 'secret', creates intrigue)

- Is the Hook clear on what it’s about? (Cold showers)

- Is the Hook clear on who it's for? (People seeking peak performance)

- Does the Hook offer ROI for the reader? (Productivity benefit)

3. The next step is I ask my client questions to flush this idea into a post using the “What, Why, How framework”:

a. What is this post about?

I ask this to be clear on what the client is trying to say with the post.

For example: What - Cold showers have multiple science backed benefits for peak performance.

b. I then ask “Why should the reader care?”

Another question might be: “What do you believe about cold showers that others might disagree with or think is crazy?”

Great question to capture your unique opinion and stress the benefit of the desired behaviour to the reader.

For example: Why - Cold showers give you the edge for peak performance to run your business with less stress and higher productivity.

c. Next, I ask “How can I apply this idea?”

Posts with actionable takeaways are important. Humans love a clear resolution to a problem. For example: The 'how' might look a little like this:

  • Lower blood pressure

  • Increased levels of dopamine

  • “Etc, etc”…

If we run out of ideas flushing out the post, I will drop another request in the same chat string on ChatGPT:

“Give me 7 science-backed benefits of cold showers for entrepreneurs”

I might throw a few out in the conversation to get more ideas...

4. Once we go through the What, Why , How framework, I tie it off by asking what their concluding thoughts are on the topic:

For example, a summary might look like this: Cold showers can give you the peak performance edge, so you can spend more time working on your business without burning out.

5. And there we have it.. in 5 mins we have flushed out the plan for a full post.

  • Hook: Unlock the secret of peak performance: the power of a cold shower

  • What: Cold showers have multiple science-backed benefits for peak performance.

  • Why: Cold showers give you the edge for peak performance to run your business with less stress and higher productivity.

  • How: Lower blood pressure, Increased levels of dopamine, etc. etc. ...

  • Summary: Cold showers can give you the peak performance edge, so you can spend more time working on your business without burning out.

We can use this same method for any other hook in the set to generate another post idea.

Using the method, you can use AI as an addition to your own creativity to put together Ideas 1.5x faster.

That's a wrap folks.

See you next time!

Thought of the day...

When you are ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

  1. Wanna build a profitable audience for your B2B business with LinkedIn Ghostwriting, Vertical Video & SEO? Book a growth strategy call with Contact Studios here.

  2. Feature your business/product in my newsletter in front of 500+ souls. Send me a DM on LinkedIn.


Luke Shalom
