3 Rare Traits to Reach the Top 1% of Creators

Adopt them and Master the Social Game…

Read time: 90 seconds

Hey Amigo!

First I just wanted to say a huge thank you for your support on Grow Solo Saturday! Last week we hit 2000+ subscribers!

Look…. I know it’s been a couple of weeks since our last Grow Solo Saturday.

I really need to get better at this consistency game.

To solve this, I will trial a shorter form newsletter.

Sound good?


In today's newsletter, I'll dissect the three rare traits the top 1% of creators possess.

You know, that elusive star quality.

The creator elite, with their thriving one-person businesses, location freedom, and purpose-driven lives, seem unreachable.

And all you can do is gawk with envy on social media as the 1% advance, leaving you in their wake...

Well... What if I told you the creator elite hold special traits that enhance their odds of success?

And… you can adopt them too.

But why should you care about becoming a top 1% creator?

  • Imagine rising to the top of your niche.

  • Followers become fans.

  • Opportunities come knocking more than the postman.

  • You attract money like a magnet.

Are you in?…

3 Rare Traits to Reach the Top 1% of Creators:

Adopt them and Master the Social Game…

1. Persuasion

99% of the success of being a creator lies in the ability to sell people on your ideas.

That all comes down to persuasion.

To gain this trait, study:

  • Psychology (scarcity, social proof, reciprocity)

  • Sales (negotiation, asking questions, buyer psychology)

  • Copywriting (conversion, verbiage)

Master one, and you will be convincing.

Master all of them, and you will become unstoppable.

2. Innovation

The cream of the creator crop innovates.

Think: Justin Welsh, Dan Koe and Dina Calakovic.

What do they have in common?

The ability to innovate on popular ideas.

Develop this trait by:

  • Reading across multiple subjects

  • Combining techniques to form your own frameworks

  • Using unique language (call things by different names to differentiate your ideas)

Most of the time, innovation is a game of reps.

Da Vinci didn't wake up one day and paint the Mona Lisa. He got to that level because he painted A LOT.

3. Contrarian Thinking

The greatest creators oppose popular opinions and create their own unique category.

Develop your contrarian ideas through this questioning framework:

  • What do I stand for?

  • What do I believe in that other people may disagree with or think is crazy?

  • What do people believe about my area which I believe is fundamentally wrong?

Write your ideas down.

Identify any similar narratives. Double down on these narratives and weave them into your posts.

Before long, your ideas will be slicing through the noise of social like a hot knife through butter.


3 Rare Traits of a Top 1% Creator:

  • Persuasion

  • Innovation

  • Contrarian Thinking

Develop them today and master the social game.

Thought of the day:

When you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. 7 Figure Agency Founders: Do you want to double your following and drive leads in 90 days on LinkedIn? Grab a time here to see if Grow Solo is a fit for your business.

  2. Want me to help you write impactful posts on LinkedIn? Book a 1-on-1 Consulting Call with me here.

  3. Feature your business/product in my newsletter in front of 2170+ Soloer’s. Send me a DM on LinkedIn.


Luke Shalom