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  • The $600 million mental model that changed my life. (this changes everything)

The $600 million mental model that changed my life. (this changes everything)

Everything you know about success is wrong...

Read time: 3.5 mins

A big thank you to the sponsors of this week's newsletter who keep this free to the reader!

Today's issue is brought to you by:

Ken Yarmosh, founder of the 'Remote Solopreneur'. His course, 'Scalable Service offers' helped me to scale my side hustle to five figures using his offer positioning to attract high-paying clients.

It's currently at $99, my ROI has been 100x the asking price in 2 months. Grab it here.

What do you want most in life?...

Do you want to build an internet business and sip piña coladas on a beach in Mexico?

Sell $100,000 in online courses from your passions?

Become an industry thought leader with your personal brand?

You know it's possible to achieve these feats. Other people are already living the life you want.

The problem?

Success seems like an elusive gift that seems to only be unwrapped for the lucky few.

You watch on the sidelines as a lucky few outliers accelerate and produce remarkable results.

While you are still living the same life. Stuck and wondering when you will finally get your lucky break.

It sucks. Believe me, I've been there.

Nine months ago, I was deep in self-development land, desperately trying to improve my situation. I was broke, anxious, and unfulfilled.

Each day, I'd wake up with a gnawing feeling in my head, knowing I was living a life short of my true potential.

I was failing at social media, spending 20 hours a week on YouTube videos only my mum and my grandma watched. My dreams of starting a business as a creator looked further away than ever.

Every day was paved with frustration, self-loathing, and disappointment.

Can you relate?

The day everything changed…

I'd just finished Tony Robbins' old-school text, 'Unlimited Power'.

My eyes grew wide as I raced across the pages, devouring the text.

One thing was clear:

Everything I thought I knew about success was wrong.

Success wasn't just reserved for the lucky few; it was a formula you could theoretically replicate.

Since that day, I have used his techniques to gain an unfair advantage in my life.

In today's newsletter, I will break down the mental model that helped me:

  • Build 23,000 followers.

  • Increase my earnings by 80%.

  • Go from a struggling salesperson to closing 180k of business in 3 months.

  • Start an internet business 4 months ago and reach my first 5-figure month ever.

The craziest part…

It took 9 months.

You can do it too.

Here's how:

Unless you've lived under a rock for the best part of a decade, everyone's heard of the giant known as Tony Robbins.

Elite performance coach to presidents, movie stars, and executives the world over. His net worth is around $600 million dollars...

Tony created a theory that explains success can be achieved by "Modeling".

Modeling psychology: Copying someone else's behaviour to produce a desired result.

Sounds simple, right?

You have been modeling since the moment you were born.

The baby who observes its parents and picks up their mannerisms and habits.

The kid who starts a new school in a different part of the country and picks up a new accent.

Humans are experts at modeling.

Modeling plays a powerful role in our lives.

The biggest problem is most of the time, it's unconscious.

The main thought here is if we can intentionally model the right people, we can also unlock peak states of performance and extraordinary results.

"Success leaves clues." - Tony Robbins

Step 1: Pick the person you want to model

    Pick a person who is living the life you want to live. For me, at the time, I became obsessed with Justin Welsh. A man who has built a one person business empire to $5M+, amassing a cult following of 700k+...

    I studied his:

    • History

    • Rise to fame

    • The obstacles that held him back

    • His central philosophies around life and business

    I then did my best to map out a path that mirrored his.

    Step 2: Ask for help

    The next step was getting a mentor. It's an unfair advantage for your modeling process if you can learn directly from the person you are modeling.

    Unfortunately, Justin Welsh is somewhat hard to reach, so I found myself reaching

    out to others in business a few steps ahead of me.

    Kind of shy? No problem, you can be mentored through people via self-education...

    To add further fuel to the fire, I:

    • Invested £2300 in sales coaching

    • Bought £1000+ of courses around audience building

    By reaching out for help from those who have already achieved your results, it will give you clarity on the next best steps to take.

    Step 3: Create a strategy.

    People who succeed follow plans.

    Imagine the NFL player who watches a game tape 1000s of times to put together a new playbook.

    Your own results are no different. Your strategy should aim to copy that of the person you are modeling, or be slightly adjusted to your unique circumstances.

    But what did this look like for my personal branding and business strategy?

    I poured over Justin's work, examining his:

    • Content strategy

    • Post structure

    • Contrarian beliefs

    I identified how his strategy had created his extraordinary results.

    Here's my personal brand strategy, modeled from Justin's results.

    Content strategy:

    Justin's content follows these themes:

    • Educate me

    • Challenge me

    • Motivate me

    As a result, his voice is consistent across platforms, allowing him to cut through the noise on social media.

    Justin's content is divided into two types:

    Leading posts: Posts relaying his expertise to his audience.

    They help solve problems for the reader a few steps back in their solopreneur journey.

    These have been paramount to his rise in becoming the go-to expert for those building internet businesses.

    Leading content may take the form of:

    • Contrarian takes (refute a commonly held belief)

    • Step-by-step guides (building internet businesses)

    • Personal story posts (hammer home your philosophies)

    Modeling this into my own strategy, all of my content revolves around the above three content types in order to position myself as the go-to expert in personal branding.

    Discovery posts: He uses posts where he relays discoveries back to his audience around industry trends.

    These posts often score explosive engagement for him for two reasons:

    • They tap into existing trends in the world (e.g., tech layoffs)

    • Use brand jacking: mention other big companies and businesses

    The result: Justin's content is easily shareable.

    Next, I delved deep into modeling his post structure:

    My phone is littered with countless screenshots of Justin's posts. Anyone would think I'm a stalker…

    Every time I read his posts, I ask myself these questions:

    • What did he do well in the Hook?

    • Why was the introduction so catchy?

    • How did he keep my attention?

    • Why did it resonate with me so much?

    I turn my favourite hot takes from Mr. Welsh into templates to model his post structure...

    It's as simple as:

    a. Find a post

    b. Screenshot / copy text

    c. Copy to phone notes / Google document

    d. Create a template of the bare bones of the post

    For example:


    The logic here is that modeling the structure of a high-performing post increases the chances that your post will land well.

    Modeling Justin’s contrarian beliefs:

    Justin Welsh’s success comes from his unique stance for the way he approaches the topics of Solopreneurship, internet business, and audience building.

    But how can we distill the intangible secret sauce inside his head without a full biopsy?

    Don’t worry, Justin, I’m not coming to ‘pick your brain’.

    Here’s my thought leadership mapping exercise (you can use this on anyone to model them):

    What does he believe about business that other people may disagree with or think is crazy?

    • 9-5 is broken

    • Everybody should have a second source of income

    • Top performers often make top entrepreneurs

    • Building an audience is the greatest asset you can build for your future.

    What does he stand for?

    • Short workdays of explosive deep work

    • More time to spend with your loved ones

    • An empty schedule over hustle culture

    What is he irrationally passionate about?

    • Solopreneurship

    • Building internet businesses

    • Being able to do what you want, when you want, with who you want, wherever you want.

    I assimilated some of these views into my own content strategy. I'm not aiming to copy him. I am merely seeking to be inspired and follow in his footsteps.


    To apply the science of modeling to unlock extraordinary results:

    Step 1: Pick a person you want to model.

    Step 2: Ask for help.

    Step 3: Create a strategy.

    Through the psychology of Tony Robbins' modeling, I replicated some of Justin Welsh’s results.

    And while we will never be Justin, it doesn’t matter. Modeling is more about becoming the highest version of yourself by taking inspiration from others.

    That’s a wrap!

    I hope you use the above framework to unlock your own success.

    Remember the mantra:

    “Success leaves clues.” - Tony Robbins


    Luke “Life Coach” Shalom

      Thought of the day...

      When you are ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

      1. Wanna build a profitable audience for your B2B business with Vertical Video & SEO? Book a growth strategy call with Contact Studios here.

      2. Feature your business/product in my newsletter in front of 500+ souls. Send me a DM on LinkedIn.


      Luke Shalom
