Your invitation inside

10 free consulting call slots up for grabs...

Coaches/ Service Providers: I may have something you’re interested in… And you don’t have to pay a dime…

I’m kicking off an invite-only Content to Clients Accelerator program in August. I’m currently doing some research and I’d like to propose a trade.

To the right Service Provider, here’s my offer:

Struggling to generate inbound leads from LinkedIn?

I will give you an audit of where you are going wrong so you can fix your inbound lead flow on LinkedIn.

Spending hours creating LinkedIn content that never converts?

I will give you insight into how you can effortlessly create a month of content in 2 hours using AI.

Getting leads but just can’t seem to close high ticket deals?

I will audit your sales process and make suggestions for improvements to get you closing.

Over the last 2 years, I have closed $750,000+ from LinkedIn, built a $600k ARR agency and a 6-figure coaching business, not to mention building an audience of 60,000 friends on here.

So I hopefully have an insight or two for you…

In exchange, I'd love to get on a 30-45 min call with you and have a conversation to understand some of the biggest challenges you're having around signing clients from LinkedIn.

This is not a sales call in disguise.

I’m only looking to have 10 conversations here…

So this is for you if you’re…

→ Service provider (Coach/Consultant/ Founder)
→ Have a proven offer that is selling
→ Potential clients are on LinkedIn

There's no catch and no cost, just a mutually beneficial conversation.

So, want to trade some value?

10 of you will be selected to have a FREE audit call ( I usually charge start ups $650 an hour for these calls).

But that's not all...

EVERY PERSON who reaches out will be sent my custom content system that can help you to create lead-generation posts in minutes (usually only for paying clients) for FREE.

Are you in? Reply to this email with “RESEARCH” to apply.

Big love,
Luke Shalom

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