Learn to write like a $5000+ p/m ghostwriter.

5 tips to make your writing unignorable...

Read time: 3 mins

Hola Amigo!

Making money online isn't just about what you sell.

It's about how you communicate.

Who are the real pros at this? Ghostwriters.

Just open LinkedIn and you’ll notice the REAL copywriting experts are the ones who lurk in the shadows - writing for others. (The way Grow Solo does for many founders across the world)

In this edition, I’m handing over the ghostwriter's toolbox.

Think of it as your insider guide to writing like a $5K+ ghostwriter.

It's about being not just loud, but smart.

Here’s what we’re diving into:

  1. Understanding your audience’s problems

  2. Having a clear purpose in content

  3. Keeping it short and to the point

  4. Speaking like your audience

  5. Mixing facts into stories

  6. Simplifying without dumbing it down

Let’s get to it!

1. Understand Their Problem

Get to the heart of what frustrates your audience. Knowing their struggles helps you make content that really speaks to them. Chat with them, run surveys, and join in their conversations to figure out what they're up against.

Think of it as a first date. You need to ask questions to know if you want to go on another date.

In the same way, you need to ask questions to know how you can help your audience.

The more questions you ask, the better understanding you’ll have.

Some questions you can ask include:

  • What does my target audience care about?

  • What are they scared of?

  • What motivates them?

  • How does my product or service make their lives easier?

  • What would the transformation look like if they used my service or product?

Something I focus on the most when working with a new client is uncovering the main problem of their target audience first. My agency can’t begin writing until we fully understand the core problem and the solution my client provides.

2. Have a Clear Purpose

Each content piece should have a clear goal. Are you aiming to spread the word about your brand or get leads? Decide this upfront. It shapes how you write.

Before writing a post, I assign it a specific goal.

  • Growth

  • Authority

  • Leads

The purpose will drive the outcome.

If you want more growth, write Top of Funnel Content. (Storytelling, Opinions, Polarizing posts)

If you want more authority, share your knowledge and expertise.

If you want more leads, show your results and case studies.

3. Keep It Short and Simple

Short, clear sentences win the day. Even complex ideas can be broken down into bite-sized pieces. People are busy. They don’t have the time to read long, text-heavy posts. Keep it short, simple, and concise.

When writing on Linkedin, I like to :

  • Use full stops instead of commas.

  • Keep paragraphs short. 1-3 sentences long

  • Use bullet points when creating lists.

  • Cut out any additional info that’s not needed

This ensures that my content keeps my audience hooked and engaged all the way through.

4. Speak Like Your Audience

If your audience uses casual language, scientific terms will not resonate with them.

If your audience is academic, casual jargon will fly over their heads.

(You don’t want a similar situation to a dad trying to connect with his kid but not understanding any of the GEN Z slang)

You need to speak their language.

Watch how they write their posts and comments

  • What words do they use?

  • Do they use long or short sentences?

  • Do they use jargon?

Allow their writing styles to guide your own.

This ultimately builds trust and connection.

5. Mix Facts with Stories

Data is great. Stories are even better.

When you want to present your results and case studies, present it in the form of stories. Focus on the client as the hero while you’re the guide that helped them reach their ultimate goal.

  • Where were they before they met you?

  • Where were they after they worked with you?

  • What were the challenges you had to face together?

  • What was the roadmap you had to follow to get to the final destination?

  • How did it feel for your client to finally experience their success?

Facts are easily forgotten. Stories are remembered.

6. Simplify, Don't Dumb Down

Explain complex ideas in simple ways, but don't oversimplify.

Use analogies or everyday examples.

In a lot of my content, I like to use metaphors and analogies to explain complex ideas. Tying an idea to an analogy makes it more understandable as well as memorable.

For instance, using analogies in your content is like using a flashlight in a dark forest.

The forest is the complex idea or concept you're trying to explain. Your audience is trying to navigate through it.

Without guidance, they might get lost or miss the path entirely.

But when you turn on a flashlight – the analogy – it lights up the path, making it easier to see and understand.

The light doesn’t change the forest. It just provides clarity and direction.

(See what I did there?)

These strategies are used by the top ghostwriters on Linkedin (and in the world).

I use it. The ghostwriters in my agency use it.

Now you get to use it as well.

These 5 copywriting principles will help you build deeper connections, stir up deeper emotions with your audience, and position you as the go-to resource in your industry.

Remember, it’s not just what you say, but how you say it that turns readers into followers, customers, and advocates.

Until next time my friend.


Luke Shalom

Shot from Colombia earlier this year… No signal and not a care in the world. Lesson in there somewhere…

When you are ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

  1. 7 Figure Founders: Scale Your Sales, Boost Your Authority, and Attract More Qualified Leads with Done For You LinkedIn Personal Branding - Book a Grow Solo Strategy Call to explore working with us here.

  2. Wanna build your very own top 1% creator LinkedIn strategy and drive real revenue from your audience? Book a 1-on-1 Consulting Call with me here.