Why You Never Get Leads From Your Posts

99% of LinkedIn posts make these 5 conversion mistakes...

Read time: 4 mins

Hola Amigo!

Today I’m going to walk you through the 7 reasons why Founders posts don’t generate inbound leads.

As a business owner, the coveted inbound lead is the crème de la crème of demand.

Those golden prospects who already know about your profile and business. Half sold on your solution and ready to buy.

Master the art of driving inbound from your content and you can say goodbye to:

  • Throwing $1000s away on lead gen agencies

  • Stop spending hours a day prospecting

  • Quit chasing cold leads that question your credibility

Imagine if you could generate an inbound lead every time you post… how fast could you scale your business?

Unfortunately, I see 99% of Founders making the same mistakes again and again when it comes to writing lead generation content…

Reason #1 - Not focused on an Ideal Client persona.

Reason #2 - Posts don't articulate prospects' problems in their words.

Reason #3 - Unclear bridge to solution.

Reason #4 - Not mining your engagement.

Reason #5 - Generic Hooks

Over the last 12 months, I have coached and built the personal brands of 20+ Founders, driving over $1,000,000+ in pipeline and driving $250,000+ of revenue personally from my words.

I have solved these challenges time and time again… apply these today to create content that converts.

Let’s dive in:

5 reasons why 99% of LinkedIn posts fail to generate leads:

1. Not focused on an Ideal Client persona.

If you write for everybody? You write for nobody.

It is critical you have an in-depth understanding of the persona you are trying to attract with your content.

You need to create a hyper focused ICP - An ICP AKA Ideal Client Persona is a profile for your ideal customer so you can get inside the conversation going on in your customer’s head.

Map your ICP’s:

Basic Information:

  • Job position

  • Seniority

  • Experience

Psychographics (get inside their head):

  • Pains

  • Goals (business/personal)

  • Desires

  • Objections for using your service

Go one step deeper into:

  • Tech stack within these organisations

  • Revenue of company

  • Have they had an investment round?

  • How do they work?

  • What they produce?

  • How do they usually buy?

Write out the answers to these questions into a central document where you can see it every time you come to create your content.

2. Posts don't articulate prospects' problems in their words.

Can't see the world through your prospect's eyes? Good luck selling.

It’s not enough to map your Ideal client persona and build content relevant to that profile.

You need an in-depth understanding of the way your prospects describe their problems.

Why is this critical? Introducing a weird psychological phenomenon - if you can describe a prospect’s problems better than they can… they will automatically believe you have the solution.

But how can you get inside the mind of your prospect:

  • Watch the verbiage they use to describe problems. Do they have specific terms they use.

  • What priorities are the most pressing? Not all problems are burning.

Collect this data by:

  • Reviewing your sales calls (record with Fathom note-taker so you have transcripts of your calls to capture their wording)

  • Interview your current clients: (Why did they buy? What almost made them not buy? What was the biggest problem they believed they were solving buying your service? What was their desired outcome?

Use your findings and start to weave this into your ICP and then reflect this in your content.

The closer you can get to articulating your prospects’ challenges in your content in their own words, the greater the chances of converting inbound leads.

3. Unclear bridge to solution.

Unclear, if you can solve your reader's problems? Confused minds don't buy.

Using the ICP you mapped out above your posts should follow the following equation to give a clear bridge to your solution:

{Pain/Desire/Goal ICP} + {Inject your expertise as the solution} + {Call to Value} = Inbound leads

PRO Tip: Expertise can take the form of a:

  • Lesson

  • Step by step

  • Mindset shift

  • Contrarian take

Your prospect needs to be led to your solution. Fail to follow an obvious structure and your conversions will flatline.

4. Not mining your engagement.

If you only wait for inbound enquiries? Passive prospects who, like, comment and view your profile are where the real money is.

Every Founder I speak to says the same thing:

“I’ve been posting for months and nobody ever inquires about my service”.

The reason? The majority of the prospects on LinkedIn are passive and are less likely to reach out as an inbound lead.

But what can you do about it?

Here are 3 of them you probably didn’t know about:

1. Profile views.

People don’t visit your profile for no reason.

Profile visitors could be your next prospects.

Open up conversations with them; it’s like shooting fish in a barrel.

2. Mining your recent followers.

What if there was a way to see people who already interested in your business and profile?

There is…Your followers.

Navigate to your profile and click the followers button to see a list of your most recent followers (you will need to activate Creator Mode to do this.

Check this every day and start conversations with those matching your target persona.

  1. Scan your Likes & comments.

Keep an eye on your Likes and comments for your ICP.

Open up DM conversations with these individuals.

Using your engagement allows you to start conversations with prospects who have already an expressed interest in you or your business.

And your content has nurtured them till they are warm and ready to close.

5. Generic Hooks 

Fail to call put to your ICP in your Hooks?Your content will attract everyone, and as a result, convert no one.

For example: "Founders - Stop doing X"

This is painfully simple. This one change can allow you to directly address your ICP. And when you can get hyper-focused on your ICP. The leads will start rolling in.

That’s a wrap!

When you are ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

  1. 7 Figure Founders: Scale Your Sales, Boost Your Authority, and Attract More Qualified Leads with Done For You LinkedIn Personal Branding - Book a Grow Solo Strategy Call to explore working with us here.

  2. Want me to coach you to drive predictable inbound/ outbound leads from LinkedIn? Book a 1-on-1 Consulting Call with me. Full details here.