The Secret to Staying Consistent On LinkedIn?

It all comes down to one simple word...

Read time: 1 min

A big thank you to the sponsors of this week's newsletter who keep this free to the reader!

Today's issue is brought to you by:

Ken Yarmosh, founder of the 'Remote Solopreneur'. His course 'Scalable Service offers' gave me major clarity on my ghostwriting business, helping me to double my client retainers without changing a thing about what I sell.

The early bird version is still available to Grow Solo Saturday's currently at $99 which is a disgusting price for a course I would have happily paid $500+ for. Check it out here.

Everybody wants to know the secret to staying consistent on LinkedIn (and overcoming writer’s block).

Too bad most people have got it wrong...

It's not:



-Chanting affirmations whilst smoking a gnarled wooden peace pipe…


It's something much simpler...

It all comes down to one word.

Your ability to 'Ship'.


Luke, I need to learn how to sail a boat?

Not quite...

I first came across the term 'Ship' whilst working in tech. We were running a large project that would bring a public service online for the whole of the UK.

But there was a problem...

The lead developer took off his glasses, rubbed his tired eyes and said:

"We won't ship in time"

The project required last-minute code changes.

We had missed the deadline.


We failed to ship.

Years passed till I heard the word again.


I read Seth Godin's Book 'Linchpin'.

He describes the success of anyone striving for a career in creative work is down to their ability to 'Ship'.

In other words, relentlessly execute.

It's not just a verb. It's a mentality.

To do your best creative work you must complete the work.

You must 'ship' at all costs.

It struck me that this was the sole differentiator between successful creators and those who get left by the quayside (to milk the ‘Ship’ analogy).

Every successful digital writer ships relentlessly.

They up show up every single day to an ever-improving standard.

Reps on reps. No excuses.

But Luke, how do I ship?...

Let's dive into some examples of the 'Ship' it mentality in action:

Remember that post in your notes you thought was a rubbish idea?

Ship it.

The online course you've put on the back burner for 6 months.

Ship it.

The online ghostwriting offer you've been working on but claim "it just needs a few more tweaks"

Ship that shit.

The truth is...

Your content will always be 90% done.

There will always be improvements you can make. And whilst you should strive to iterate and improve:

Don't let perfectionism trap you…

The only way an artist can improve is by finishing 'the work'.

In content creation and in life…

Good enough is good enough.

Ship it.

Thought of the day…

When you are ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

  1. Wanna build a profitable audience for your B2B business with LinkedIn Ghostwriting, Vertical Video & SEO? Book a growth strategy call with Contact Studios here

  2. Feature your business/product in my newsletter in front of 700+ souls. Send me a DM on LinkedIn.

Until next time G's. I appreciate you.


Luke Shalom