Sneak Peak – My New Coaching Program

Let’s get you clients from LinkedIn in 1 month...or I work for FREE.

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For the last couple of months, I have been debating with my mentors and sales guys about one particular thing.

How to help more people directly.

My content is free and read by tens of thousands of people every day.

And I’m working with founders, building their brands.

But these are the two ends of the spectrum.

You get free content, and it is absolutely helpful from the feedback I get.

On the other hand, I have the Done-For-You service, which might be expensive for some people.

I know some of you need more than the free content, but don’t want to pay the premium for the hands-free service.

Folks were telling me that I should have something in between.

Less expensive, but a premium, 1-to-1 service still.

The problem was I just didn’t have the time to invest in something like this.

Until now.

I’ve been preparing for my 1-to-1 coaching program for the last 3 months.

Hiring new team members to decrease my workload.

Automating our processes.

Having trial coaching sessions.

Now, we’re ready for the launch.

Here’s The Grow Solo 1 To 1 Custom Coaching Program;

We will work together, 1 to 1 for at least 1 month.

You will have 2 weekly calls with me.

On top of that, you get unlimited DM support.

We will set custom goals for you, and create a tailored action plan.

Here’s what would it look like;

Week 1: Optimizing your personal brand ($299 value)

- Positioning

- Offer creation

- Content targeting

- Profile optimization

- Lead filtering

Week 2: Building your content strategy ($199 value)

- Viral strategies

- Commenting system

- Social selling system

- Reading analytics

Week 3: Kicking off your sales machine ($599 value)

- Discovery call workshop

- Building a mutual action plan

- Objection handling

- Follow-ups

- Closing high-ticket clients

Week 4: Reassess & Recalibrate ($99 value)

- Weekly deliverables customized for you

- Looking over the month’s data

$1196 is what would I charge these individually.

My consulting call is $550 per session. You get 8 of these, which is a total of $4400.

Sum it up, all these are worth $5596 per month. Plus the constant support from me.

I am so confident in the ability of this program to drive you real results I’m going to put my money where my mouth is…

if you don’t get an ROI in 90 days, I will support you for free until you do.

Currently, we’re building the landing page and campaigns for the program.

Once they are ready, we’ll advertise it everywhere.

But as always, Grow Solo readers have an advantage.

Before our official launch, I reserved limited spots for you.

The program will cost $3500 p/m.

But only for my newsletter readers, and only before the launch, you have the chance to get it from $2499.

After the launch, the investment cost will increase.

This is only for a very limited number of people, so if you are serious about building your brand and driving revenue from LinkedIn, this is your chance.

Reply to this email with “COACHING” to unlock LinkedIn’s revenue goldmine.

Looking forward to working with you,


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