How to turn posts into cash.

This formula generated one of my clients $70k of leads in 4 weeks...

Read time: 3 mins

A big thank you to the sponsors of this week's newsletter who keep this free to the reader!

Today's issue is brought to you by:

Ken Yarmosh, founder of the 'Remote Solopreneur'. His course, 'Scalable Service offers' helped me to scale my side hustle to five figures using his offer positioning to attract high-paying clients.

It's currently at $99, my ROI has been 100x the asking price in 2 months. Grab it here.

Holaaaa Amigo! Welcome back to Grow Solo Saturday (yes, I know it's a Sunday, forgive me this week has been crazy) 

Our community passed 20,000 Soloers this week on LinkedIn! 

Big up yourselves. I appreciate your support.

It's time to tackle the burning question everybody wants to know the answer to...

How do I write posts that generate leads?

It's not enough to know your ICP (Ideal Client Profile)...

You need to step into the psyche of your ideal client.

You need to nail your 'Hyper Focused ICP'. 

Copy so targeted your prospect will feel you are living rent free inside their head.

When they read your posts, the copy should speak to their:

  • Pains

  • Desires

  • Industry

  • Objections

  • Business Goals

  • Personal Goals

The formula I'm about to share with you generated one of my ghostwriting clients $70k of leads in 4 weeks...

The best part?

He had less than 1000 followers.

Anybody can do it. No excuses.

Let's dive in...

Step 1: Map out your Ideal Client Persona: 

Who is your ideal client? 

For example, let’s say you run a sales outsourcing business. Your audience persona may look like this:

“US sales leaders between the ages of 35-50, from enterprise level organizations between $10-15 million revenue, looking to increase revenue without raising headcount.” 

To create this, we need the following information about the client…

Demographic information: Age

Job title: VP of Sales, Sales Manager

Pain points: Not meeting quota, sales team burning out, not enough leads

Desires: Wants more leads, lower cost to acquire leads

Business goals: Hit revenue targets for quarter

Personal goals: Get a pipeline of qualified leads, increase sales and get promoted

But that’s not all… you need to get hyper-focused on:

Industry: SaaS

Headcount: 100-200

Location: US Market

Tech stack company uses: In-house sales team

- Company model: Sales teams do all the heavy lifting and rely on hiring to increase lead flow.

Performing this exercise will give you immense clarity for the person you will write for with each post.

Step 2: Step into the psyche of your customer.

Follow my formula:

{1 Client pain point} + {Inject your solution} = Post that converts leads

For example… “Not getting enough leads and missing quota”

Possible content ideas for how a sales outsourcing agency could hit a pain point and inject itself as the solution could look like:

"Maximize your sales performance with 1 simple tweak. (Pain point)

Here's how you can outsource to hit your quota:" (Inject your solution)


"Need more qualified leads but not enough hours in the day to close them? (Pain point)

Here's how to scale revenue without increasing headcount:" (Inject your solution)

Step 3: Unrelenting consistency.

Create one piece of lead generation content each week using this process and see your leads from LinkedIn skyrocket.

That's how you turn content into cash.

It's that simple.

See you next time!

Thought of the day...

This hit me differently... I know the feeling of not feeling good enough. To be honest, I've felt it my entire life. Oh, the curse of being an A-type personality.

My mantra is "as long as you feel more than 50% assured" that's all that matters.

Feel the fear and do it anyway.

We are all winging it.


Luke Shalom

When you are ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

  1. Wanna build a profitable audience for your B2B business with LinkedIn Ghostwriting, Vertical Video & SEO? Book a growth strategy call with Contact Studios here.

  2. Feature your business/product in my newsletter in front of 900+ Soloers. Send me a DM on LinkedIn.
