How I turned my LinkedIn profile into a 6-figure funnel:

Steal this to turn profile visitors into $$$...

Read time: 3 mins

Hola Amigo!

First of all I just want to say a thank you from the bottom of my heart for this community.

We just hit 40,000 friends on Linkedin.

To all the new people here reading today… welcome.

And for the OG’s you already know you are the real MVPs.

Today’s newsletter is a certified VALUE BOMB.

I'll be showing you how I turned my LinkedIn profile into a 6-figure funnel.

Why should you care?

Without following this guide you will continue to:

  • Get few to no inbound leads

  • Spend time on leads that will never close

  • Waste precious traffic from the hours you’ve spent writing posts

Here’s the kicker:

Optimising your profile on LinkedIn feels like solving a puzzle in the dark.

Each time you try to revamp your page your met with crickets and a sales pipeline dryer than your nan’s fruit cake.


The main reason? You’ve never had a battle tested play book to turn visitors into $$$.

Until now…

How I Turned My Profile into a 6-Figure Funnel:

Two months ago, I was getting more than 20 inbound leads a month.

But there was a problem…

Hardly anyone could afford my £3000+ per month service.

I wasted hours on sales calls.

Chasing deals that would never close.

It sucked.

Over the last three months, I've A/B tested various LinkedIn profile layouts, turning my page into a high-conversion funnel.

The result?

  • I increased my revenue by over 100%+

No fake BS here.

  • My profile now converts 0.3% of visitors into qualified leads

  • Pulling in regular 8/9/10 figure opportunities.

  • Fewer time-wasters.

And I did it all without:

  • A website

  • Paid ads

  • Complicated funnels

Are you ready to level up your profile?…

1. Build the Foundation

When visitors land on your page, they should instantly know:

Who you are

What you do

How you can help

Fail to convey this, and they'll bounce, costing you potential conversions.


Profile picture (go for a professional headshot; a smile adds trust)

Banner (use a thought-provoking question or statement related to your value proposition)

Headline (outline who you are, what you do, and how you help) Links to your website or Calendly

Hashtags for SEO 

List of services (should align with your main offering)

Maintain a consistent color scheme

Here’s mine…

Pro Tip:

Visual hierarchy matters.

The human brain reads in a Z pattern, so lay out your information accordingly.

2. Optimize Your Featured Section (The "Buy Box")

Just like Amazon's "Buy Box," make your featured section a one-click destination to convert leads:

Premium offer ("Work with us" link connected to a Calendly with pre-qualification questions)

Client testimonials (position these next to your call-to-action)

Lower-ticket offers (another call-to-action or product)

During my 90-day test, I found that stacking a premium offer next to a testimonial boosted conversions.

Get em’ in the “BUY BOX”. $$$

3. Craft a Killer 'About' Section

This section is your sales letter.

Ensure it:

  • Targets your ideal client persona

  • Addresses their pain points

  • Presents your service as the solution

  • Shows the end-result they can expect

  • Includes a clear CTA (call-to-action)

Pro tip: Add social proof in the form of client quotes or specific numbers to maximise conversion.

4. Back Up with Experience

Your experience section should reinforce your profile.


→ A reiteration of your value proposition

→ Evidence of past work that qualifies you for your current role

→ Additional client testimonials (link these to a public Google Drive, if possible)

5. Build a "Wall of Love"

99% of profiles leave recommendations off the table.

That’s a huge missed opportunity to convert a potential prospect…

Don't overlook the recommendation section.

Populate it with:

  • Testimonials from previous clients

  • Character references from industry leaders

  • Recommendations from past colleagues

The aim? Show your proven expertise in your field.

Get this right and your wall of love will sell for you whilst you sleep.

Wall of love… Appreciate you guys!


Turn your LinkedIn into a 6 figure funnel:

  • A/B test LinkedIn layouts for higher conversions.

  • Define "Who you are, What you do, How you help" clearly.

  • Align profile elements to your value proposition.

  • Utilize visual hierarchy for better readability.

  • Optimize the "Featured" section as a "Buy Box."

  • Pair premium offers with testimonials.

  • Craft an 'About' section as a sales letter.

  • Incorporate social proof for credibility.

  • Use the experience section to reinforce your value.

  • Populate recommendations for a "Wall of Love."

Thought of the day…

Your reminder to build today…

When you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. 7 Figure Agency Founders: Do you want to double your following and drive leads in 90 days on LinkedIn - 100% hands off?

    Grab a time here to see if Grow Solo is a fit for your business. (90% cap for Q3, first come, first served)

  2. Want me to help you build and monetize your audience? Book a 1-on-1 Consulting Call with me here.

  3. Feature your business/product in my newsletter in front of 2240+ Founders, Solopreneurs and freelancers. Send me a DM on LinkedIn.


Luke Shalom

P.S Get some value? Or if you have any feedback - please send an email back! I would love to hear from you.