The two-step formula for client acquisition

Your next client is in your DMs

Read time: 1 mins

Imagine this: "You want to grow your personal brand, find leads, and increase the revenue of your business. But you have no idea how.

You've watched other people achieve what you dream of. Grown thousands of followers.

Closed thousands of dollars' worth of deals.

It's not that you don't know your stuff. You are skilled at what you offer. But you just don't know how to communicate it to people.

You hate cold outreach - which you've failed at multiple times. If there were a way to solve that, you would invest without a second thought."

This is the exact problem one of my clients had.

He is a successful family business owner who wanted to leverage his marketing experience to build an agency.

So he tried multiple approaches:

• Thousands of cold emails

• LinkedIn cold DMs

• Creating content that didn't stick

He burned out twice in a year because of the process, not even mentioning the thousands of dollars he lost.

As a last resort, he reached out to me - if this didn’t work, he would stop trying to create an online business.

After we started working, I asked about his client acquisition system.

He had none. Because he hated cold outreach.

He hated the replies he got from people. So he stopped sending DMs altogether.

He thought he needed to have 100,000 followers for his DMs to work. You see, this is completely wrong.

You don’t need thousands of followers. You don’t need to send 1000 cold DMs per day.

You just need two simple things:

• Content tailored for your niche

• A proven, honest warm DM procedure

That’s it.

Your content will pique the interest of your niche.

People will start liking your posts, replying to them, and visiting your profile.

This is the gold mine you should work on.

Not soulless, generic mass outreach.

These people already showed some interest. They are warm leads.

So slide into their DMs.

• Thank them for their reply/comment.

• Ask them questions. Don’t be pushy about your offer right away.

• Find out if they need your service.

• If the conversation gets stuck, talk about life - like you would do in an IRL conversation.

• If you believe you can help them, tell them.

• Take the conversation to an online meeting.

That’s it.

Your next client is 50 targeted DMs away.

It worked for my client - it’ll work for you too.

Don’t take my word for it, you can watch his testimonial from here.

If you want me to help you the same, you have two options;

• Book a 1-on-1 Consulting Call with me. Full details here. 

• If you are a 7 figure founder, explore working with me here. 

As always, I’m here to help.

Reply to this email if you have any questions.
