From Unemployment to $20k/month

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From Unemployment to $20k/month

I’m 29 with 2 thriving businesses and no marketing degree.

Just last month, my small content empire crossed $20,000 per month in profit.

Not bad for a guy who was unemployed less than 3 years ago, right?

How did I achieve this? By building a LinkedIn personal brand.

Here are 5 unforgettable lessons that could have helped me reach this milestone in half the time:

Staying a Solopreneur Caps Your Income

For far too long, I believed that doing everything myself was the best way to maintain control and quality.

But staying a solopreneur caps your income.

When I finally hired an SDR (Sales Development Representative) and an Account Manager, it was a game-changer. This freed up my time to focus on the real needle mover in the business: Sales.

Having a dedicated team amplified my reach and brings in diverse perspectives.

Delegating allowed me to invest my energy into high-impact activities:

market research

closing client deals

building out strategies

Sell in Content Sooner

For the first 12 months, I focused solely on building my audience without making a single offer.

The result?

I didn’t make a dime for half the time I was building my brand.

If I had started offering value-driven services like power hour calls sooner, I could have tested market demand for my coaching offer and scaled faster.

Selling in content doesn’t mean bombarding your audience with sales pitches.

Instead, integrate your offers into valuable content.

Provide actionable insights first, and services second.

It creates a natural opportunity for fans to turn into clients.

Combine “How-to” and “Insight-based” Content

Initially, my content strategy revolved around step-by-step guides.

While this helped my audience, it didn’t convert them into clients.

The turning point came when I started posting Insight-based content, emphasizing the WHY with my opinions rather than just the HOW.

This shift brought us from a trickle of leads to 10-15 qualified inbound leads a month.

The key is to balance practical advice with thought leadership.

Show your audience the bigger picture and why certain strategies work.

Build your authority.

Hire an SDR Sooner and Scale Outbound Sales

Spending 3-4 hours a day sending 40-50 DMs was unsustainable. I was burned out and miserable.

In January, I hired my best pal as an SDR. Within 3 months, he doubled our lead flow, and subsequently, we doubled our business.

An effective SDR can take on prospecting, allowing you to focus on closing deals and building relationships.

I was able to focus on the quality of my own content and things that mattered most.

Implement a “Revenue Ascension” Model Sooner

Initially, I only served the top 1% of the market ready to work with us on a retainer, leaving behind many potential clients.

One simple tweak—introducing a downsell strategy—added another 6-figure revenue stream in less than 3 months.

Here’s how it works:

Retainer > Coaching offer > Power hour call > Aware.

This model allows me to serve all levels of prospects, from well-funded startups to solopreneurs.

The genius of this approach is the flexibility—you can downsell to capture budget-conscious clients and upsell to existing clients to increase their lifetime cycle.

Building a LinkedIn personal brand has been amazing.

If I had embraced these lessons earlier, I could have been where I am now much sooner.

But it’s part of the journey.

Whether you're just starting out or looking to scale, these strategies can help you build a powerful personal brand and a profitable business.

If you are a 7 figure founder, explore working with me here.

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