Unlocking the growth secrets of LinkedIn's elite 1%

Get Ahead of the Game with Tips from Top Industry Thought Leaders.

Read time: 4 mins

Hola Amigo!

What’s going on! It’s been a busy few weeks… I’ve been ticking off items on my task list I’ve been meaning to get around to for months. Including the launch of our agency’s brand spanking new website. Drum roll please… check out the new face of Grow Solo here!

Unlocking the growth secrets of LinkedIn's elite 1%

Get Ahead of the Game with Tips from Top Industry Thought Leaders…

Breaking through the LinkedIn noise often feels daunting.

However, some creators manage to shine, not by re-inventing the wheel, but by smartly leveraging proven strategies.

Today, we’re dissecting the approaches of five creators who excel at what they do by replicating what works, then adding a personal twist to it.

Dive in as we unravel the frameworks of Justin Welsh, Ryan Musselman, JK Molina, Dickie Bush, and Charlotte Llo, and discover how you too can adapt proven methods to elevate your LinkedIn game.

Let's go!

Justin Welsh (1M+ Followers): The Emotion Evoker

Justin has a talent for identifying and capturing emotional topics, even if they are controversial, to create engaging content.

His "Us vs Them" narrative, particularly against the traditional 9-5 job, deeply resonates with those who aspire to achieve entrepreneurial freedom.

By converting these emotions into content that strikes a chord, Justin constructs stories that position the conventional 9-5 job as a common adversary, resulting in a community of like-minded individuals.

This approach not only fosters a strong sense of community but also positions him as a thought leader for those seeking to break free from conventional work structures.

How to replicate this: Identify the common grievances or aspirations within your target audience.

Craft your narrative to address these emotions, thereby building a community united by common goals or adversaries.

Ryan Musselman (47k+ Followers): The Simplifier

Ryan has a talent for simplifying complex marketing concepts into easily understandable pieces. He achieves this by maintaining consistency in themes, character usage, and focusing on a specific topic.

Ryan's content is easily digestible because he uses simple language, and short sentences, and stays on a single topic.

This simplicity not only educates but also empowers his audience to take actionable steps without feeling overwhelmed.

How to replicate this: Choose a niche or topic, break down complex ideas into simpler terms, and maintain consistency in your messaging.

The value lies in the clarity and ease of understanding you provide to your audience.

JK Molina (200k+ Followers): The Sales Maestro

JK’s approach is rooted in hardcore sales tactics.

Because as he aptly puts it… “Likes aint cash”.

Unlike others, he doesn’t give away playbooks; instead, he focuses on showcasing client results and future pacing, bolstered with a dose of social proof.

Through contrarian viewpoints and a focus on competence and credibility rather than freebies, JK keeps his audience yearning for more.

This approach not only establishes JK’s authority but also creates a sense of exclusivity and desire among his audience.

How to replicate this: Concentrate on showcasing your expertise and results rather than giving away too much for free. Employ social proof to bolster your credibility and entice your audience.

Charlotte Lloyd (40k+ Followers) : The Deep Diver

Charlotte delves deep into topics, showcasing her expertise through comprehensive playbooks as opposed to surface-level content that's common in the digital realm.

By consistently delivering high-value, in-depth, and applicable content, Charlotte builds a reputation for being a go-to expert in her domain.

Her approach fosters a loyal audience who appreciate the tangible takeaways and deep insights she provides, setting her apart from others who skim the surface.

How to replicate this: Choose a niche you are knowledgeable in and focus on providing deep, actionable insights rather than broad, surface-level information.

Consistency in delivering high-value content will build your reputation over time.

Dickie Bush (400K+ Followers): The Attention Grabber

Known as a Twitter Ghostwriter, Dickie Bush employs sensationalism hooks to captivate his audience right from the get-go.

His messaging is clear about who it's for, what it's about, and what's in it for the reader.

By crafting attention-grabbing hooks and delivering clear, reader-centric messaging, Dickie keeps his audience engaged and invested.

In a world of fleeting attention, Dickie's ability to quickly capture and sustain his audience's focus sets him apart.

How to replicate this: Master the art of headline and hook creation. Understand your audience well enough to articulate clear messaging that speaks directly to their interests and concerns.

Closing Thoughts

The creators highlighted each bring a unique approach to the table, proving that while the platform may be common, the play is different.

Whether it's tapping into emotions like Justin, simplifying complexities like Ryan, mastering sales like JK, capturing attention like Dickie, or diving deep like Charlotte, the route to success is multifaceted.

As you dissect these strategies, remember the impact isn’t in replication but in understanding the core principles that drive success and adapting them to your unique brand and message.

It's about taking the proven and adding your non-obvious twist, testing, evaluating, and evolving until you carve out a distinct space in the crowded LinkedIn arena.

Thought of the Day

Wisdom from Dan Koe

When you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. 7 Figure Founders: Scale Your Sales, Boost Your Authority, and Attract More Qualified Leads with Done For You LinkedIn Personal Branding - Book a Grow Solo Strategy Call to explore working with us here.

  2. Wanna build your very own top 1% creator LinkedIn strategy? Book a 1-on-1 Consulting Call with me here.

  3. Feature your business/product in my newsletter in front of 2742+ Soloer’s. Send me a DM on LinkedIn.


Luke Shalom