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  • Wanna Network With Millionaires, But Don't Know How? Here's The Step-by-Step Guide.

Wanna Network With Millionaires, But Don't Know How? Here's The Step-by-Step Guide.

Your gateway to the internet money elite...

Read time: 3 mins

A big thank you to the sponsors of this week's newsletter who keep this free to the reader!

Today's issue is brought to you by:

Ken Yarmosh , founder of the 'Remote Solopreneur'. His course 'Scalable Service offers' gave me major clarity on my ghostwriting business, helping me to double my client retainers without changing a thing about what I sell.

The early bird version has been released exclusively to Grow Solo Saturday subscribers...it's currently at $99 which is a disgusting price for a course I would have happily paid $500+ for. Check it out here

Hey Amigo! Welcome back to Grow Solo Saturday.

This week I will show you the exact process to build a network of highly influential people:

  • Millionaires

  • 7 Figure Entrepreneurs

  • 6 Figure Ghostwriters.

The internet money elite.

But Luke, who cares? Stop clout chasing...

Listen up.

Imagine the outcome of having a network of A players from the top of your industry.

Let's say you are a salesperson and you have access to a 7-figure sales coach.

The sheer knowledge you could tap into would be unmatched.

The result = an uncommon advantage.

Uncommon advantages breed highly leveraged returns.

In less fancy words... stack cash.

My framework will help you to:

  • Finally, get clarity on who you want to network with

  • How to find influential people (without living on Sales Navigator)

  • How to ACTUALLY approach and connect with high-value people without looking needy.

Your network is your net worth.

A platitude? Yes... but let's be real, a leg up at the right time can change your life.

Unfortunately, the only problem is most successful people are unreachable and never respond to messages on LinkedIn.

Influential people are unreachable to most normal folks...

But that's not all... even if by some miracle you get accepted by a behemoth of your industry.

  • You don't know how to start the conversation.

  • And when you do message, it's something cringe that gets you left on read.

  • Worse still, you blow your one shot of making an impact and get put on the "LinkedIn weirdo never-to-be-contacted-again list."

You may as well camp outside their house with a telescope. It's probably going to have the same effect.

Look, I get it. I've made these mistakes so many times.

When I first started networking on LinkedIn I didn't have a clue. It was embarrassing. I got left in pendings constantly.

People told me to fuck off.

I felt like a loser.

It sucked.


It wasn't until I realised there was a framework to build a network of rainmakers that I got traction.

The following framework will help you take your first steps to build a network of influential people. Open up doors you never thought possible.

I used it to build a network of:

  • Millionaires

  • 7 Figure Entrepreneurs

  • 6 Figure Ghostwriters

And even slide from an SDR role to a Director of Partnerships role.

The best part?...

It took 6 months.

Here’s my step-by-step guide to build a LinkedIn network of highly influential people (without looking needy)

Step 1 - Decide who you want to network with:

  1. What industry are they in?

  2. Where do they hang on Social Media? (LinkedIn or Twitter)

  3. What do they do? Are they a business leader, writer or content creator?

Step 2 - Find a person you wish to add to your network.

They could be someone:

  1. You are inspired by

  2. You would want to collaborate with

  3. You would want to befriend

  4. You see the potential for mutual benefit

Step 3 - Look at the comments section of Big Creators (50K+):

  1. You will see other people at the same stage as you, a few steps behind or ahead in their creator journey. It’s a lot easier to speak to these people than DMing someone like Justin Welsh and expecting a reply outright.

Step 4 - The approach - “Show Me You Know Me”:

  1. Once you have found an account:

    1. Reply to a comment on one post to build rapport.

  2. In the DM’s:

    1. Send a thoughtful DM

    2. Show interest

    3. Lead with value

The templates might look a little like this (steal them for inspo):

Thoughtful DM:

“Hey Rob, amazing story about moving to Colombia and starting your business. This is seriously inspiring! As an aspiring entrepreneur myself, I wondered if I could ask you a quick question about running a remote business? Thx Luke”

This is exactly how I met my current CEO...

Show Interest:

“Hey Charlotte - saw your post on cold calling. I hate it when prospects hang up mid sentence! Would love to share some ideas on how to get people talking longer! Thx Luke”

Lead with value:

“Hey Sam, I love your posts on copy writing. I just finished a hook guide that 2xed my engagement. Where can I send it? Thx Luke”

Step 5 - Do this all day, every day. 

Some of the biggest accounts in my network now took months of engaging on their posts before we became ‘internet friends’.

Slow down. Take your time.

Networking is a marathon, not a sprint.

And remember the golden mantra:

“People don’t care about you, they only care about themselves”. 

Tattoo this on your eyelids.

If you can frame all of your outreach around appealing to other people's self-interest, you will instantly set yourself apart from 99% of the other people out there.


There are no silver bullets for building a network of influential people.

However… If you put in the work and follow these steps, 6 months from now you could have opportunities flowing to you in avalanches of abundance.

People will call it ‘luck’

You’ll turn around and smile knowing…

You just followed this process.

Thought of the day ;)...

On the real. I once jumped in a bush to avoid an ex...(a story for another day)

When you are ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

  1. Wanna build a profitable audience for your B2B business with LinkedIn Ghostwriting, Vertical Video & SEO? Book a growth strategy call with Contact Studios here

  2. Feature your business/product in my newsletter in front of 600+ souls. Send me a DM on LinkedIn.

Until next time G's. I appreciate you.


Luke Shalom
