The $15,000 experience

and the importance of a good coach

Read time: 3 mins

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2 years ago, I paid half of my salary to a sales coach.

Looking back now, I’m surprised at the audacity.

I guess being at my lowest made me more daring than usual.

You can read about those times in detail from here.

Now, back to the topic.

For the majority of the population, coaching seems a bit sketchy.

I blame the fake guru epidemic for this.

You know these people, all the social platforms are flooded with them.

I will not name them here, but you know the drill; rented Lambos, models, get-rick-quick schemes etc.

My coach was obviously not one of them.

I took the training with 7-figure enterprise sellers, a top 5 Microsoft seller who sold $250,000,000 in revenue, and an entrepreneur who had a 9-figure exit.

Now, I’m giving myself sales training these days. And I’m using the same mental models I learned, and implemented in dozens of successful sales calls.

As always, I’m giving away my secrets for free here. Let’s dive in;

Model 1: You don’t close a prospect. They close themselves.

Wrong = “Can you sign the contract by Friday?”

Right = Whether you decide to work with me or not, I think the important thing here is that you get {desired result}. Do you think that's the important thing here?

hold the silence

Them: “yes”

You: "Ok, can I bounce a few thoughts off you?"

Them: “sure”

You: “We can help with XYZ. What do you think?”

Them: “Yes, it sounds good.”

You: “Where do you think our next steps from here are?”

This is a great example of the model 1. If I followed the wrong question at the beginning, I would be demanding the sale.

Which most likely would get me ghosted.

Instead, I decided to remind the prospect of the value they are investing. Give them the power in the sales conversation, open the door, and let them walk through.

Don’t forget that buyers will only move forward for THEIR reasons, not yours.

Model 2: Two nos and a referral

It’s good the hear a “no” in your sales call.

Always expect trouble if everything is going too smoothly.

Every buyer has their concerns, and they should raise those in the call.

So aim for two nos.

First, ask for the sale.

If you hear a No, go back to the table and:

-Air Concerns.

-Validate Concerns

-Isolate the objection

-Solve the objection

-Ask if you have resolved concerns.

-Ask for the sale again

If you hear a second No… ask for the referral.

Follow this script, and you will leave the call with either a new client or a lead.

Model 3: Catch and release mindset

Everybody says you should follow up after your proposals.

Which is true, to some extent.

There is follow-up, and there is follow-up.

Most people opt-in for being needy and follow up to death.

Which makes them creepy.

Instead, send your client wins, referrals, and content that matters to them.

Submit a proposal, give them the info for close, and then WALK.

Don’t contact that deal for 4-5 days. Have a close on a Monday? Don’t contact them until the next week.

Let your offer marinate in their mind. Going for high status is always desperate.

Don’t forget, that humans love what is in demand.

Model 4: The money conversation

Read this 3 times loudly: “It is never about the money”.

People buy your services because of a problem.

And that problem is causing an anxiety to them.

Find that anxiety and bring out the feeling.

Guide your prospect to bring;

-The baggage of past experiences

-Scars of purchases that didn’t work

-Limiting beliefs about themselves

-The consequences of putting their neck on the line.

Don’t speak, just listen. Show empathy. Coach your buyer through this conversation.

That’s all folks. These models helped me close +$450,000 worth of sales. I hope they help you too.

Before closing, let me tell you one more thing.

Like I said in the beginning, I paid half of my yearly salary for this sales coaching.

And you know what, it was worth every penny.

Good coaching will always give you multiple returns.

And now I have a coaching program as well. It is not live to the public yet.

We’re selecting only a small number of people in the beginning. And as a Grow Solo reader, you are the only one who knows about this.

If you want to learn more about the program, reply to this email. It is not nearly as expensive as I took, but you can be sure it will be worth every penny as well.

Until next week,

Happy Easter!

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