5 Lessons from reaching 50,000 followers

Your roadmap to LinkedIn success

Read time: 3 mins

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2 weeks ago I hit 50,000 followers on LinkedIn.

Before anything else, I want to say thank you.

You changed my life and I’m grateful for all of you.

The road to 100,000 begins.

No matter where you are in your journey, here are 5 growth insights that you can use to build a profitable personal brand.

1) Leverage the bigger accounts.

People always look for new solutions to old problems.

However, fundamentals never change.

It’s the case for replying to larger accounts as well.

Networking with big creators (liking and commenting on their posts) will increase the chance that they will engage with you back.

A reply on LinkedIn works like a retweet on X. Your post will be seen by their audience.

Here’s the catch tho; Only genuine replies work. People will understand if you are only engaging for the sake of engaging.

If you want to learn more about commenting, I wrote a guide on it. You can read the issue by clicking here.

2) Content is still king.

Commenting is a great tool, but it won’t work without great content.

You should give reasons for commenting and that is only possible with good content.

So don’t aimlessly spam commenting. Improve your content first.

Then, grow with a healthy mix of good content + commenting.

If you want to read more about how to write like a 6-fig ghostwriter, click here.

3) Show authority in your content.

General growth content will grow your account, but it will also create a community of non-buyers.

You can get clients from LinkedIn even if you have a small following.

But you need to hyper-focus your content on their problems, and your solutions.

You won’t grow as fast, but you will attract the right followers, conversations, and conversions.

If you want to dive deeper into how you can turn your content into a lead-generation machine, click here.

4) Position yourself wisely.

Positioning is what makes you different in this sea of creators.

Matter of fact, it’s 10X more important than your follower count.


- Who: you are trying to target

- What: you will deliver to them (make it a critical, burning business issue)

- How: you are uniquely differentiated to solve their problems.

At 20,000 followers, I repositioned my entire personal brand and business because I felt I wasn’t differentiated enough.


+$15k MRR and 5% increase in our close in 2 months.

Learn more about how you can position your profile into a 6-fig funnel from here.

5) Build your own category.

As Peter Thiel says, the best way to beat the competition is to run from it.

And this is easier with personal brands. Because it is personal.

You are your own category. So don’t get caught up with the shiny object syndrome.

- Dare to create content that disagrees with industry trends.

- Name and claim your frameworks and push this in your content. Once your audience starts using your lingo, you become synonymous with your category. Think Chris Walker (dark social) or Justin Welsh (one-person business).

- Think of common problems and try to think of uncommon solutions.

Don’t imitiate, create.

I wrote about this a while ago. Explore the topic more on here.

So that’s a wrap.

Again, I’m immensely grateful for your support.

I hope I’m giving back enough and helping you achieve your dreams.

If you missed the last issue, I’m launching my coaching program. 

It’s a 1-to-1 monthly coaching program, with an ROI guarantee.

Only for my newsletter readers, you have the chance to get it from $2499 instead of $3000.

I have 2 slots left for Q1, so if you want to unlock LinkedIn’s revenue goldmine, reply to this email with “COACHING”.

See you next week,


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